"Non-violence leads to the highest ethics, which is the goal of all evolution. Until we stop harming all other living beings, we are still savages." --Thomas A. Edison

Sunday, October 11, 2015

The Limits of Virtue

Tyrtaeus was a Spartan poet, known for his works from the Second Messenian War. It is almost hard to imagine a Spartan with a poet's soul, but when one reads the lyrical verso of Tyrtaeus, it is clear to see that this was a poet with a warrior's soul.
The poet writes; 
"You should reach the limits of virtue, before you cross the border of death."
While it is probably safe to assume that Tyrtaeus was speaking of death on the battlefield, I want to put it out there for those of you reading in a lighter context. 
We are only hear for a short time.
What legacy will you leave behind in your business life as well as your personal life? Will you "reach the limits of virtue" or will you succeed at any cost... including your own values and ethics? Will you redefine your values or ethics to accomplish your task?
It is important to remember the people who get us where we are. Our employees who work for us. Our families who sacrifice for us when we work those long hours to get the job done. How do we treat them? What would they say about us as employers, and does it matter to you at all?
It seems to be more and more difficult to take the high road these days. Yet, Spartans are still revered today. Almost three thousand years after his death, we are talking about a warrior and his ethics. What will your descendants be saying about you in three thousand years? 
We are still savages.

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