"Non-violence leads to the highest ethics, which is the goal of all evolution. Until we stop harming all other living beings, we are still savages." --Thomas A. Edison

Saturday, August 2, 2014

First Markings on the Cave Wall

Welcome to my Blog, "Still Savages." 

The title actually comes from a quote that I really liked by Thomas Edison, who said; "Non-violence leads to the highest ethics, which is the goal of all evolution. Until we stop harming all other living beings, we are still savages." 

If you are expecting this to be a new-age, tree hugging hippy liberal blog, you will be either very disappointed or very relieved, depending on which side of the proverbial fence you are on.  For now, I ask you begin this journey with me without any preconceived ideas about the content here, or me. I believe you will find yourself surprised at some of what is expressed here. 

Nonetheless, the original context of the title I have chosen for this blog stands. Just turn on the news and you will see: The conflict in Ukraine, Palestine and Israel, Ciudad Juarez, Mexico,  Boston, Massachusetts, and the list goes on...

We are still savages.

You see, I am only one voice, and I am not going to solve, nor am I interested in solving the world's problems or conflicts. I believe in the idea of "taking care of my own house first," and I put my money where my mouth is. I have worked with difficult and troubled individuals in my community for more than ten years, in environments ranging from incarceration in secure facilities, to their reintegration into their respective communities. I have experienced life from the standpoint of an educator and teacher, to a facility administrator. At home, I have been blessed with two special needs children of my own and was honored to hold my oldest child in my arms as she left this world. I have stared the results of violence, neglect and loss squarely in the face for years, and I can tell you...

We are still savages.

"Still Savages" also has another meaning for me, and one that is a whole lot less philosophical. I am the father of six children; three boys and three girls. They range in age from six to fourteen--and all of them are smarter than I am! This information goes a long way towards explaining why, in spite of my years of service in the Marine Corps and decade of experience dealing with "at risk" youth, my children are nowhere near the perfectly disciplined little angels you would expect me to brag about here. 

They are in fact, still savages.

So if I have learned nothing else over the years, it is that we grow as individuals through experiencing conflict and the ways we choose we handle those conflicts. This blog is about that human experience, and in the months to come the words found here I hope,  will challenge and inspire you all to look at things differently, live life completely, and protect what is important. 

Maybe you will even be able to pick out the influence of those who have challenged and inspired me over the years. 

I hope so. 

It probably won't be difficult. I am not exactly known by my peers as being "subtle." 

And to be  certain, you won't always agree with me. That's okay. 

The purpose of this inaugural message was to simply give you an idea that I might, just maybe, know a little bit about what I am talking about. "It ain't my first trip to the rodeo" after all.

So when you feel like taking a break from your hunting and gathering, pick a spot at the fire and watch me paint my pictures on the cave wall. After all...

We are still savages.


  1. Craig, I like what I'm looking at here. It's funny to me that you have been thinking about this for so long. I've been considering something similar myself regarding my education as I pursue my masters degree. I figure it could stand as some sort of record for when I finally enter the real grown up world of CV's and job interviews for positions that I have no experience or business applying for. In fact, just this past drill weekend, I was trying to explain the idea (totally undeveloped, a genus really) to some of my guard buddies and they predictably thought I was weird (still) and a little bit... Well, let's just go with gay, as the general consensus of their expressions. I would respectfully disagree with them. So yeah, I will definitely be following this. I'm interested in seeing if I still know my old buddy.

    You never cease to impress me, Craig.


    1. Thanks for stopping, Marc.
      You are an incredibly gifted writer, I have long admired your skill at storytelling. I may or may not get around to my masters degree, but I don't need it to know what I know--and that includes what military servicemen can be like. Just tell them that some of my biggest influences have been servicemen--specifically Marines. Can't sit on good stuff because of what other people think. My intention here is to get people to think before they speak or act. This will definitely not be another episode of "Craig's Broken Filter." I think you will be surprised at what has been going on the last ten years!
